- Startseite
- Forschung
- DFG-funded CCRC Graduate Program
- News & Events
- Cluster für Biologie des Leukozyten
- Cluster Wachstumsfaktoren des pulmonal-vaskulären Remodellings
- Immunzellantwort in kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen
- Inflammation im Rahmen der Herzinsuffizienz
- Strukturelle Herzerkrankung
- Klinische Kardiologie und Intensivmedizin
- Arbeitsgruppe Herzinsuffizienz
- Kardiale Zellersatz- & translationale Herzinsuffizienztherapie
- Elektrophysiologie
- Kontraktionskopplung und Calcium-Signaling
- Kardiovaskuläre Epidemiologie des Alterns
News & Events
A unique aspect of this RTG program is the basic research mechanism-focused approach and the close link to the clinical setting at the UoC Heart Center and beyond. Our vision is that our RTG program provides an innovative and interdisciplinary education for our students by integrating cutting-edge research projects with collaborative supervision complemented by a structured training program.
CCRC Introduction Week
We would like to welcome our new CCRC students during this introduction week.
The date will be announced.
CCRC Symposium
2nd & 3rd of May 2022
The symposium will feature talks from internationally renowned guest speakers as well as presentations from all CCRC students.
FlowJo Workshop
13th of May 2022
Joint Summer School CCRC + iMGK SFB TRR259
9th & 10th of June 2022
Tagungshotel Große Ledder in Wermelskirchen
Cologne Cardiovascular Summit (clinical)
16th & 17th September 2022
Cologne Conference in Cardiovascular Diseases
21st & 22nd of October 2022
CCRC Retreat 2022
October 2022
CCRC Seminar Series
Tuesdays at 5:00pm
CCRC Journal Club
Tuesdays at 5:00pm
CCRC Symposium
2nd - 3rd May 2022
CCRC Retreat 2021
23rd - 24th June 2021
Tagungshotel Große Ledder in Wermelskirchen
Joint Retreat GRK2407 + GRK2408
1st - 2nd July 2021
virtual event
CCRC Retreat 2020
26th November 2020
virtual event
CCRC Retreat 2019
20th - 21st September 2019
Tagungshotel Große Ledder in Wermelskirchen
CCRC Visual Communication
4th - 5th March 2021
Self-leadership Workshop for female PhD Students and PostDocs
26th - 28th August 2020
Online Health Coaching
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the online health coaching was an ideal support to stay active in home office and to be in contact with all CCRC students.
CCRC Interorgan Crosstalk
12th February 2020
The exchange between students from different CCRC projects was supported by this workshop and new collaborations within the CCRC were developed. The focus was on interorgan crosstalk in various vascular diseases.
CCRC Clinical Stay – Hemodynamics
23rd July 2019
A cardiac catheterization simulator gave all CCRC students an insight into the daily routine of a cardiologist. Thereby, participants had the chance to try out this “operation” by themselves.